
The objectives of the UNESCO Chair on Futures Research are the following:

  • To enhance futures research and develop capacity in anticipation and futures thinking by initiating the “Imagining the Futures of Greece” project. The project includes a range of activities ranging from awareness raising and capacity building, to special publications and regional research activities in cooperation with our global partners.
  • To enhance Futures Literacy in Greece by introducing tools for anticipation and futures thinking targeting policy makers, professionals, academics and students.
  • To produce the bi-annual “State of Greece” report, utilising selected futures thinking and anticipation methodologies, making direct reference to the Greek performance towards addressing the SDGs.
  • To enhance the capacity of Policy Makers and of the research and technical staff of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), in futures thinking and anticipation systems by transferring good practices and expertise from international partners within the UNESCO Chair in Futures Research covering a range of methodologies, including those being developed by the UNESCO Anticipation Chairs network,the World Future Studies Federation (WFSF), and the Millennium project.